
Welcome to Digi Postpaid

Experience postpaid plans with no restrictions, high-speeds, unlimited access and great value. From plans for you and the family, to the latest phones and value deals, we’ve got you covered in all ways that matter!

Flexible Plans

Postpaid plans with no restrictions, no hidden charges, and unlimited access.

High-speed Internet

Don’t let the fun stop. Surf, stream, and chat all you want at speeds to your liking.

Family Lines

Enjoy as many benefits as your principal line. Get to choose different plans for your family at 50% off.


Save more on devices and wearables with our hassle-free phone programs.

Value Deals

From amazing value deals to tailor-made add-ons, there’s always something extra for your plan.


Manage your account, pay bills, share internet, do more with less via the MyDigi app.

Hello Plans Made for Everyone, Everything

Buckle up for high-speeds, no restrictions, unlimited access, and great value with Digi Postpaid. Choose a plan that fits your budget, no hidden charges, no nasty surprises.


Digi Postpaid 40


Digi Postpaid 60


Digi Postpaid 90


Digi Postpaid 120


Digi Postpaid 150
